Onions are a gardener’s best friend. They’re easy to grow, they don’t take up much space, and they can be used in so many different recipes. Plus, they store well, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor long after the growing season is over.
But how many onions grow from one bulb?
The short answer is that one bulb only produces one onion. However, if you allow the onion to bolt (flower and produce seed), you can then replant those seeds and grow an entirely new generation of onions.
Onion Life Cycle
Let’s look at the life cycle of an onion to see how this works.
An onion starts out as a seed. Once the seed germinates, it produces an onion plant with leaves. One of the leaves will eventually produce a flower stalk, which in turn will produce seeds. Once the onion matures and is harvested, the cycle begins anew.
If you allow your onion to bolt and produce seed, you can replant those seeds and grow a new generation of onions. One way to do this is to simply let some of your onions go to seed. Then, when the seeds are mature, you can collect them and plant them in your garden.

Another way to produce seeds is to carefully remove the flower stalk from an onion that is still in the ground. This will cause the onion to form a bulb, which can be replanted and will produce a new onion plant.
Once you have your seeds, you can plant them in the same way you would any other type of seed. Onions prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. They should be planted in rows that are about 18 inches apart, with the seeds spaced about an inch apart within the row.
Once the seeds have germinated, thin the seedlings so that only the strongest plants remain. Onions are ready to harvest when the tops start to fall over and the bulbs are about the size of a tennis ball.
FAQs On Onion Life Cycle

how many onions grow from one bulb
As we mentioned before, one bulb produces one onion. However, if you allow the onion to bolt and produce seed, you can replant those seeds and grow a new generation of onions.
How long does it take for an onion bulb to mature?
Onions typically take about 3-4 months to mature. However, the exact time will vary depending on the variety of onion you are growing and the conditions in your garden.
Can I grow onions indoors?
Yes, onions can be grown indoors. However, they will need a sunny location and some type of support, such as a tomato cage, to keep the plant upright
What is the best way to store onions?
Onions can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months. For the longest storage, you will want to cure the onions first. To do this, allow them to dry in the sun for a few days after harvest. Then, trim the roots and tops and store the onions in a mesh bag in a cool, dark place like a container for storing onions or potatoes. Check on them periodically to make sure they are not sprouting.
how do onions reproduce?
Onions reproduce by producing seed. This can happen either by letting the onion bolt and produce seed, or by carefully removing the flower stalk from an onion that is still in the ground. This will cause the onion to form a bulb, which can be replanted and will produce a new onion plant.
Can I grow an onion from a seed?
Yes, onions can be grown from seed. Onions prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. They should be planted in rows that are about 18 inches apart, with the seeds spaced about an inch apart within the row.
how long do onions take to grow from seed?
Onion seeds normally take about 90 days or more to reach maturity. However, the exact time will vary depending on the variety of onion you are growing and the conditions in your garden.
Due to their long growing season, onions are typically started indoors from seed and then transplanted outdoors when the weather warms up.
How many onions do you get from one seed?
One onion plant will produce one onion. However, if you allow the onion to bolt and produce seed, you can replant those seeds and grow a new generation of onions.
In Short: How Many Onions Grow From One Bulb?
So, how many onions do you get from one bulb? The answer is just one. However, if you allow the onion to bolt and produce seed, you can replant those seeds and grow a new generation of onions. This means that one bulb can potentially produce an endless supply of onions.